Thursday, September 17, 2015

JUDAISM is a Jewish CRIMINAL NETWORK that Seeks to INFILTRATE, CORRODE, CORRUPT, and SABOTAGE every nation on earth

JEWISH 'elites'  _see themselves_
working outside of -  working over & above! - any host nation's laws:

As our above Rothschild's founder quote alludes
(whether the quote is apocryphal or an actual statement by financial dynasty founder Mayer Amschel Baur
aka Mayer Amschel 'Rothschild' is almost immaterial..  given the immense power over and above all nations that the Rothschilds were well known to wield from Napoleon's defeat in 1815 to the onset of WWI in 1914.) 
   powerful Jews  see themselves  as a totally  RUTHLESS and dedicated  bronze-age tribal band, sent to do what all other  explorers, frontiersmen, & colonists of any other empire before or since have always done - set up colonies loyal to the mother empire.
 In Judaism's case,  since first the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC 
and the later Roman destruction of  Jerusalem wiped out the (resurrected) Jewish kingdom, EXPELLED the JEWS  and made Judaism a diaspora, a people scattered among nationsJews have sen themselves as any other colonists with 2 exceptions: that their "home nation" is a people scattered among many other host nations; and that  that  THEIR frontiers are already other nations' established cultures -

- thus  Jews seek to   set up INFILTRATION CELLS designed to infiltrate, subjugate, enslave and ultimately to exterminate   ALL the local persons around them...
  as a "modern" Jewish diaspora taking up where their ancient Bronze Age kingdom left off before it was destroyed by Assyrians, Babylonians, and finally Romans...

  ...just exactly as White European settlers sought to eventually  _displace_ Native Americans in their (English/Anglo, Spanish, Portugese, Dutch, French, & etc.)  settlements and  North & South American colonies
   ...and just exactly as the genocidal, racist, judeo supremacist Jews in Israel
 have turned GAZA into not only an open-air prison...

but in to an open-air GENOCIDAL DEATH CAMP....with the gruesome new twist that while jews can not, at present,
just openly kidnap Palestinians and maket them CHATTEL SLAVES,
they CAN arrest them for life on trumped-up "terrorism" charges... 
and  then murder their prisoners to 'harvest' their organs for sale
(on the jewish controlled global medical trade in 'donor' organs).
below illustration:
Whether from the "liberal Democrat" left
(or even the "socialist" and even 'Communist' "RADICAL left" )
or from the  radical, reactionary,  slave plantation owning
'free market capitalist'  radical Right-Wing... 
after 200+ years of infiltration in America  JEWISH officials
("apparatchiks") and financiers DOMINATE THEM ALL!!
Every one of the  organizations or movements in our above image
- from "liberal Democrat" (to radical 'Communist' left!)
to radical, reactionary RIGHT-WING slave plantations,  owned by 'free market capitalists'
 - they are _all_  DOMINATED by JEWS! 

that actively seeks to INFILTRATE & DOMINATE       _every_  organization and every nation on earth...
(yes... even "anti-Semitic" White Supremacist & Islamic fundamentalists 'cells' are ACTIVELY INFILTRATED with double-agent spies loyal to israel etc.!) 

 Whether from 'liberal left'  do-gooders left 
(including very nominally "for the workers" Communism) 
 or from the  SLAVE OWNING, theocratic  RADICAL RIGHT

 WE are not being "anti-Semitic" to point this out:
the bible clearly spells out the "right" of Jewish elites  to OWN SLAVES (Leviticus 25:44)...
 and FUNDAMENTALIST jews take every word of the Hebrew bible
as not only
"the divine word of g-o-d"   

but as a divine imperative.... DIVINE ORDERS & COMMANDS... ENSLAVE their neighbors and all non-jews in the entire world!

(or having their children ENSLAVED) - jews who attempt to heed  their 'holy'
bible's imperative to own slaves and to conquer "idolaters"

against their non-jewish neighbors to achieve their ends...
 and the only way that works as a long-term strategy is to be prepared
to CRUSH your rivals, no matter how powerful they may be, using
the entire weight and might of the very "international' jewish diaspora...

When you have MILLIONS of people who CELEBRATE
as their CORE national, tribal, & religious identity 

every year - the blood-drenched "Passover" ritual re-enactment   of the events
leading up to the KILLING of their Egyptian neighbors' children -

OF COURSE you are going TO GET

In more prosaic term
 (before the Jewish infiltration  _metastasizes_ to where it can be  openly violent against the people of the latest host nation or empire)   Jews see themselves as destined, as compelled  to
  INFILTRATE   and then DOMINATE _every organization_ in every nation, country, & empire on earth,
whether the financial industry, the medical industry, the academic world, the scientific word, the businesses that control more less glamorous industries like garbage collection and utilities, or the domination of labor unions and local civic organizations.... if any community or region has any economic benefit to attract settlement,  Jews will see it as their mission to arrive, infiltrate, take up jobs and ownership... and, make no mistake, to ultimately dominate &  DISPLACE _everyone_ who was there before them. 

    We see this in America with Jewish domination of not only the largest 'banks' and financial houses (the largest and most powerful bank in America, the so-called 'Federal Reserve' privately owned banking cartel is blatantly run by 5 jews)  - but Jewish DOMINATION of  labor unions today, and of the "socialist" and "Communist" organizations in America in the past as well.

  This is all very clever  deception - PURE DECEIT! - _pretending_ to be loyal to the "philosophy of for-the-common-man socialism"  while in fact actually dedicated to ENSLAVING EVERYONE under the judeo-elite's banner...  or on the radical right,  _pretending_ loyalty to "FREE MARKET CAPITALISM!"  which _actually_   means "ruthless, private MONOPOLY CONTROL of  every segment of the economy and natural resources in sight... with the (bribed, blackmailed, coerced, and extorted) support of  government officials to  RUTHLESSLY ENFORCE that anti- "free" markets price-fixing, price-gouging, credit extortion, market manipulations, and (in the aggregate)  serial ECONOMIC SABOTAGE.

  "Needless to say" (??)  price-fixing to CRASH financial markets,  and  serial ECONOMIC SABOTAGE...   _especially_   

   Those  TRAITORS  who INTENTIONALLY SABOTAGE nations' economies by their tsunami of  LIES and  propaganda double-speak  SHOULD BE TREATED with all the same ruthlessness that  THEY - the market crashers, economic saboteurs, and genocidal ethnic-cleansing TERRORISM instigating FINANCIERS - regard  _their_  victims... 


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